Previous Lives
The Tulku is a physical manifestation of higher levels of consciousness, recognised as incarnations of highly attained beings who take rebirth over and over again with the sole intent of benefitting others.
As a result of this compassionate action, the record of their previous lives is often extensive.
His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche was one such phenomenon. His previous lives can be traced back over 2,500 years to a direct disciple of Lord Buddha Shakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. This line of incarnations was identified and confirmed by the enlightened Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden on the 23rd day of the 5th lunar month of the Year of the Wood Sheep (July 9, 2015).
Incarnation Lineage
Previous Lives
In every lifetime, Tsem Rinpoche took rebirth to continue fulfilling the spiritual responsibilities of his previous lives and to uphold the tradition of the Buddha’s teachings.
His 24 past incarnations were some of the greatest Buddhist masters of their time. Their illustrious deeds include spreading Buddhism for the first time in Tibet, building the very first Tibetan Buddhist monastery, popularising the powerful tantric practices of Yamantaka and Vajrayogini, performing incredible miracles like stopping the sun, preserving and translating the spoken teachings of the Buddha, inventing the written languages of Tibet and Mongolia, establishing new Tibetan Buddhist lineages, and composing the scriptures that are still used to educate the greatest Buddhist scholars of today.
Click on each incarnation to learn more about their deeds and legacy.